Digital India

The goverment of India launched the technology that is “Digital India ” .Digital india campaign to boost up the technology usage in the country .It is an initiative to ensure that goverment services are made easily available to citizens electronically by improved online infrastructure .This will be a structured process to increase internet connectivity and making the country connectivity and make the country digital empowered by reaching the masses of india and encourage them to use the technology in thier daily lige digital india campaign.

Lunched of Digital India:-This campaign was lunched on 1 july 2015 by Prime minister of india Mr. Narrndra Modi .According to the intiative the includes connecting rural areas with high-speed interned.

*Digital service Delivery*

Dilivering the goverment and other service digitally is another core component of digital india campaingb .changing the way of delivering the service from physical to digital makes it easier.

*Digital Literacy*

This is the the of competencies required for full participation in a knowledge society .It includes knowledge ,skills ,and behaviors involving the effective use of digital devices such as smartphone,tablets,laptops , of communication ,expressions, collaboration and advocacy .This mission will cover six crore rural housr households.

*Digital Infrastructure Creation*

Creatinga strong digital infrastructure is neccessary to deplay the various digital service acrasd the country edpecially in rural areas.In rural regious of india there id very less ot almost no electronics network and that why deplaying digital network across the country in necesdary the goverment of india entity Bharat Broadband Network . Limited (BBNL) which executs the national optical fire network project will be the custodium of digital india (DI) project.

Thegoverment aims to target nine pillars .The D.I that they identify as being:-

1-Broadband highways

2-Universal access to mobile connect

3-Public internet access programme



6-Globle information

7-Electronic manufacturning

8- Training for job

9- Early harvest programmes

The goverment of india aim this campaign was success on essimated impact of digital india by 2019 word be cross culting ranging from broadbard connectivity in all panchayats ,wifi in school ,and universities and publics wi-fihospot the programme will generate huge member of IT ,telecom and electronics jobs both directly and indirectly.Success of this programmes will make india figital empowered and the leader in usage of IT in delivery of servics relalated to various domain such as health,education ,agriculture ,banking etc

wrote by karan bora,any idia for my post please comment .like and support.

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