AdSense, Payments

AdSense:-adsense is an advertising publishing program or service by google for the websites content or youtube video publishers who want to display targeted text vidio or image advertisement and earn money when visitors view and clicks the ads.

Google AdSense Payments:-

Google adsense are two types they are-

1:-Hosted google adsense

2:-Unhosted google adsense

Hosted:- Hosted google adsense is only used for youtube channels.

Unhosted:-This is used for both website and youtube channels.

Google adsense Approval: –

For the approved for adsense you need atleast minimum $10 because the reason is google adsense pin verification.

The pin was came automatically came in your home by the P.O . On that address which was you resister in verification time you can change this address in that time when you think this information is wrong which is resister by you .and you can allso verified the pin online.

AdSense payment time:-

A minimum payment of adsense is $100 . When in your account is less than $100 than your payment is not relies.

Payment Relies:-

The bank wire transfer google adsense officially transfer money by bank wire transfer.

In bank :-

In the money relies adsense need your information are Name ,bank name ,A/c no. ,swift code.

When you get your payment

ln first case youtube payment is 1month delay for youtube payment deliverd by for area like america.

In india a google office is in New Dehli.

second case is website this like a first case.

thanks for reading .

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