Effect of Technology in young generations.

In today’s time the all things are a made my technology like a young propel today cannot live without technological advancements.

Cellphones,laptops ,gaming system or mp3 players are now an important part of our lives.

The growth of technology has influenced the social interactions of today’s youth.

It isolated individuals from reality and that is a negative impact.

Listining to an ipad or staring into a smartphone is disconnecting a person from the real world.

Socializing abilities of the generation are getting lower.

People constantly cut them selves off from interpersonal communications.

Facing reality by experiencing new thing making personal relationship is essential for an individual

The internet deprives young people from the live communication.

That is the course of he was alone from everyone like their family , friends.

People begin to spend less time with their families.

Excessive internet usage affects mental and physical health negatively .

Communication crucial for everyone yet the Internet is undermining skills.

Internet is dangerous because of growing amount of frauds ,viruses, and pirate programs.

However Internet has a positive effect on social interacting around the world.

The world has to embrace technology without allowing the negative impact on society.

thanks for reading write by Karan bora any idea and complaint please comment.

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