The Institute Of company secretaries of India

The Motto of ICSI is speak the truth abide by the law.

ICSI is a premier national professional institute established under an act of parliament . The company secretaries act ,1980 to regulate and develop the profession of company secretaries.

ICSI function under the jurisdiction of ministry of corporate affairs , government of India.

Nationwide network – headquarters at new Delhi , 4 regional offices at Chennai ,Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi and 69 chapters across India.

Examination centres across India and an overseas centre at Dubai.

Counsellors at various cities / remote areas to guide students regarding the course.

What is Company secretary ??

A Company Secretary is a senior position in a private sector company or public sector organisation.

What is the salary of a company secretary??

In India the monthly starting salary can be anywhere between Rs 30,000 and 40,000.

Stages to become a company “

1st Foundation programs:-

• 10+2 pass or equivalent of any stream except fine arts.

•students appeared or enrolled for appearing in 10+2 or its equivalent examination can apply provisionally subject to submission of documents within six months. and fee of this course is Rs. 4,500/-

2nd CS Executive programmer

Cs foundation pads graduates of any stream except fine art/ pass in foundation examination of ICAI or CPT of ICAI or final examination of any other accountancy institution in India or abroad recognised as equivalent thereto.

Fee for this course is

•CS foundation pass Rs. 8500/-

•commerce graduate Rs. 9000/-

• non – commerce graduate Rs. 10000/-

• Foundation exam of ICAI /CPT of ICAI pass Rs. 12500.

3rd CS professional programme

Cs exective programme pass.

fee- Rs.12000/-

While pursuing the company secretary course students study the following subject :

1- Company law.

2- cost and management accounting.

3-Economic and commercial laws.

4-Tax laws and practice.

5-company accounts and auditing practices.

6-capital markets and securities laws.

7-Industrial labour and general laws.

8-Advanced company laws and practice.

9-Secretarial audit , compliance management and due diligence.

10-corporate restructuring valuation and insolvency.

11-Information technology and systems audit.

12-Financial treasury and forex management.

13-Ethics governance and sustainability .

14-Advanced tax laws and practice.

15-Drafting appearance and pleadings.

Areas,inter – alia , where company secretaries provides useful service:

1-secretarial department.

2-legal &compliance .

3-Intellectual property rights.

4-Risk management.

5-Personnel & general administration.

6-Corporate governance & corporate social responsibility.

7-Capital markets.

8-Finance & accounts.

for getting more information you can see in this site ( and you also call in that number 8126088605.

Social Networking

What is social networking ?

Social network is the grouping of individuals into specific groups. Or Social network is the practice of expanding the number of one’s business and social contact by making connections through individuals.

Firstly we will take the Advantages in consideration.

1- Social media is instant

One upon a time announcements and press releases took several days to get the word out there now on can share business announcement in minute and things can go viral within hours.

2. One can meet new people

Social networking site are the perfect spot to meet new people online with the help of advanced search tools one can finds user who have the same interests he/she do and that can be the starting point of a great friendships and then establish a relationship in real life .

3.Friends !

In has never been easier to make friends than it is right now mainly thanks to social networking sites just because of social networking site it has became easier to make friends.

4.Speedy communication .

Our time is being stretched thinner by work ,but social network site offer a change to communication in a speedy and efficient manner writing an update for Twitter takes all of 20 seconds and that update reaches everyone we want it to reach in an instant .

Let see Disadvantages associated with social networking.

1.waste of time

once we get addicted to social networking sites like – Facebook ,WhatsApp,Twitter etc. It is near to impossible to get away from it we keep chatting with our friends all day and this is really a waste of time as we are unable to find time for any other work.

2. Unsafe .

If we register to any of the social network site then we are bounds to give our personal details to the site and then only we are accepted as a member of that website company use our personal detail like email id address , cell number or home number to do illegal activity so we must be careful while using these sites.

3. Emotional loss

yes it is true that ever our favorite social networking site can hurt us and affect us emotionally there have been thousands of example where many people create fake id to get in touch with other and have relationship . So it is important to be very alert when we are accepting someone friends request that we really don’t know.


It is one of the most popular disadvantage of social networking site many believes that little bit fun is not harmful but the fact is it can be really very harmful for the person but we have to remember of the person with whom it is being done.

Thanks for reading any ideas please comment ….

The Start-up India

The start up India is launched on 16th January 2016 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Vigyan Bhawan , New Dehli. The prime minister Aims of the start up India scheme campaign is to help start up so they can be developed and to catalysed and the below amount people who are billing to start three business. The main objective of start up India campaign is to generate employment .It is beneficially for economics development and also motivations youth of the nation for on interpreter ship three are many significance feature of scheme.

Schemes of start-up India Like a trends 3 year tax holiday . Government has provide fund of 2500 crore for start up. And also approved a crore credit guarantees fund of Rs. 500 crore. There are some conditions to resisters Condition -1

Your form at the start up India campaign. Your company should be a private limited company or a limited elaborate partnership. The form should be a resister limited elaborate partnership to be associated with start up India campaign.

Condition -2

The form should be new or not holder than five years. The total turnover of the company of from should be 25 crore rupees . Condition -3

The company should have dome new ideas . The form should created or Ad value for costumer . Each function be approve fond elation of industrial policy and promotion a Department of industrial policy and promotion .

To get approval from DIPP. Your form should be founded by and enervation fund or angel fund / private equity fund. The form should have be patent guarantee by Indian patent and trade mark office. It must have recommendation letter by a incubator.

Start up India campaign of Benefits

Self certifications based compliance . No inspecting is done for first 3 years. Government provide environment certificate. A single point of contact . Legal support and fast tracking potent examination . This campaign to impetus to innovation. Tax exemption on capital gain. Support and comments .

5G Network

What is 5G Mobile Network? 5G (5th generation mobile network or 5th generation wireless system) denotes the proposed next major phase of mobile telecommunication standards beyond the current 4G / IMT – advanced standards.

Advantages of 5G Network * wider multimedia option. * Faster responses time. * Higher quality sound. * HD video can be transferred cell phone without compressing with the quality of audio and video. * High increased peak bit rate. * Larger date volume per unite. * High capacity to allow more device connectivity. *Battery life will be much longer . * About 90 % reduction network energy usage. * Increased speed up to 15 GHz * Higher speed over 10n Yet distance. * Less interference with other wire less devices. * Extend battery life.

Disadvantages of 5G Network.

* Signal is not accurate. * All client device still don’t support 802.11 . * Speed and performance of a device can vary for different device. * Possible problem with interference between other 802.11ac device. * Highest cost. * Old 802.unc device can’t support a new one hardware replacement is required. Thanks you

AdSense, Payments

AdSense:-adsense is an advertising publishing program or service by google for the websites content or youtube video publishers who want to display targeted text vidio or image advertisement and earn money when visitors view and clicks the ads.

Google AdSense Payments:-

Google adsense are two types they are-

1:-Hosted google adsense

2:-Unhosted google adsense

Hosted:- Hosted google adsense is only used for youtube channels.

Unhosted:-This is used for both website and youtube channels.

Google adsense Approval: –

For the approved for adsense you need atleast minimum $10 because the reason is google adsense pin verification.

The pin was came automatically came in your home by the P.O . On that address which was you resister in verification time you can change this address in that time when you think this information is wrong which is resister by you .and you can allso verified the pin online.

AdSense payment time:-

A minimum payment of adsense is $100 . When in your account is less than $100 than your payment is not relies.

Payment Relies:-

The bank wire transfer google adsense officially transfer money by bank wire transfer.

In bank :-

In the money relies adsense need your information are Name ,bank name ,A/c no. ,swift code.

When you get your payment

ln first case youtube payment is 1month delay for youtube payment deliverd by for area like america.

In india a google office is in New Dehli.

second case is website this like a first case.

thanks for reading .

Effect of Technology in young generations.

In today’s time the all things are a made my technology like a young propel today cannot live without technological advancements.

Cellphones,laptops ,gaming system or mp3 players are now an important part of our lives.

The growth of technology has influenced the social interactions of today’s youth.

It isolated individuals from reality and that is a negative impact.

Listining to an ipad or staring into a smartphone is disconnecting a person from the real world.

Socializing abilities of the generation are getting lower.

People constantly cut them selves off from interpersonal communications.

Facing reality by experiencing new thing making personal relationship is essential for an individual

The internet deprives young people from the live communication.

That is the course of he was alone from everyone like their family , friends.

People begin to spend less time with their families.

Excessive internet usage affects mental and physical health negatively .

Communication crucial for everyone yet the Internet is undermining skills.

Internet is dangerous because of growing amount of frauds ,viruses, and pirate programs.

However Internet has a positive effect on social interacting around the world.

The world has to embrace technology without allowing the negative impact on society.

thanks for reading write by Karan bora any idea and complaint please comment.

Digital India

The goverment of India launched the technology that is “Digital India ” .Digital india campaign to boost up the technology usage in the country .It is an initiative to ensure that goverment services are made easily available to citizens electronically by improved online infrastructure .This will be a structured process to increase internet connectivity and making the country connectivity and make the country digital empowered by reaching the masses of india and encourage them to use the technology in thier daily lige digital india campaign.

Lunched of Digital India:-This campaign was lunched on 1 july 2015 by Prime minister of india Mr. Narrndra Modi .According to the intiative the includes connecting rural areas with high-speed interned.

*Digital service Delivery*

Dilivering the goverment and other service digitally is another core component of digital india campaingb .changing the way of delivering the service from physical to digital makes it easier.

*Digital Literacy*

This is the the of competencies required for full participation in a knowledge society .It includes knowledge ,skills ,and behaviors involving the effective use of digital devices such as smartphone,tablets,laptops , of communication ,expressions, collaboration and advocacy .This mission will cover six crore rural housr households.

*Digital Infrastructure Creation*

Creatinga strong digital infrastructure is neccessary to deplay the various digital service acrasd the country edpecially in rural areas.In rural regious of india there id very less ot almost no electronics network and that why deplaying digital network across the country in necesdary the goverment of india entity Bharat Broadband Network . Limited (BBNL) which executs the national optical fire network project will be the custodium of digital india (DI) project.

Thegoverment aims to target nine pillars .The D.I that they identify as being:-

1-Broadband highways

2-Universal access to mobile connect

3-Public internet access programme



6-Globle information

7-Electronic manufacturning

8- Training for job

9- Early harvest programmes

The goverment of india aim this campaign was success on essimated impact of digital india by 2019 word be cross culting ranging from broadbard connectivity in all panchayats ,wifi in school ,and universities and publics wi-fihospot the programme will generate huge member of IT ,telecom and electronics jobs both directly and indirectly.Success of this programmes will make india figital empowered and the leader in usage of IT in delivery of servics relalated to various domain such as health,education ,agriculture ,banking etc

wrote by karan bora,any idia for my post please comment .like and support.